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Three Benefits Of A Memorial Service Over A Traditional Funeral

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If you're starting to organize some plans for your funeral and burial or cremation, you're tackling something in advance that will help your surviving family members immeasurably after your passing. Additionally, the plans you write down now will ensure that after your passing, your wishes are respected and you're honored in the manner that you chose. One of the decisions you'll need to make during this time is choosing between a traditional funeral or a memorial service. Whether you're a non-traditional type of person or there are elements about funerals that you don't favor, there are many advantages to asking that a memorial service be held in your honor. Here are three such benefits.

No Strict Timeline

If you've opted for the traditional combination of a funeral service and a burial, time is of the essence after your passing. Typically, your body is embalmed soon after your death and a funeral visitation and service is held in the days that follow. This timeline can be stressful to your family members who might prefer to be grieving alone and also challenging for out-of-state friends and family who will have to rush to prepare their travel arrangements.

Many people who opt for memorial services also choose to have their bodies cremated. This means that there's no rush to get the funeral-related events scheduled right away -- some people ask that memorial services be held in their honor up to a year after their deaths.

A Celebration of Life Instead of Mourning 

Obviously funeral services tend to be sad, given that the person has just passed away. Although many attendees can later reflect on the happiness of that person's life, doing so can be a challenge just a few days after getting news of the death. Given that you can ask that your memorial service be held several months after your death, this event can tend to not feel as heavy. Although people will still be mourning your death, many memorial services are viewed as a celebration of life; because the initial shock of the death has passed, attendees can often gather for some stories about your life.

Less Formality

If you're not keen on tradition or formal events, a memorial service is often the way to go. Such services have no structure -- you can plan the event in a way that specifically suits you. This could include having a number of loved ones share remarks, watching a video montage about your life, singing songs together, and more. The event doesn't have to be led by any qualified individual such as a minister or funeral director, which means there are no guidelines to which you must adhere. Talk with a professional, like Pemi-Baker Memorials, for more tips during your funeral or memorial planning.
